18 Powerful Prayers for Your Husband and Your Marriage

A wife’s prayer for her husband can be a powerful thing. It can also be a great way to show love for him. Do you pray daily for your husband? It’s something I try to do, but I so often forget. It’s difficult to get into a habit of prayer, especially when life is so busy and full of distractions and to-do lists.

And yet, it is vital. Spending time with God in prayer is essential to keep growing in our Christian faith and grow closer to God. 

Fortunately, prayer doesn’t have to be a lengthy undertaking. For many of us, short prayers interspersed often throughout the day may be better. After all, the Bible does say we should pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

To help all of us wives out there, I’ve come up with a collection of prayers for husbands that can be said as needed throughout the day. These are nothing intricate or complicated. In fact, they are simply words. Words from my heart that I would include in my own prayers for my husband. Use them as a guide to get your prayer inspiration started, or use them in full word-for-word. No matter how you do it, God will bless you and your marriage for your faithfulness in prayer.  

I’m going to use these 18 prayers to encourage me to pray a daily prayer for my husband, and I hope they can serve you in the same way. 

Psst! Also check out these verses to inspire your marriage prayers.

Prayer for guidance for your husband

In saying a daily prayer for your husband, consider asking the Lord for his guidance. Ask him to send a spirit of wisdom to your husband in all his undertakings.

Dear God, 

Please grant my husband your guidance in all that he does. Be with him as he makes decisions both large and small, and help him to feel your hand leading in his life. Give him the confidence to make Godly choices and to seek to do your will in everything. If he is struggling with a specific issue, please bless him and make his paths straight and clear. Amen.

Prayer for strength for your husband

We all could use a little extra strength, and it comes from God! 

Dear God, 

Please give my husband strength today. Help him to remember that his strength and grace comes from you. Help us all to remember that all of our good gifts come from you, Heavenly Father. When my husband is feeling weak, please remind him of your love and your support, and help him to recall my love and support for him as well. Help me to be the wife that he needs me to be. Amen.

Close up of hands being held together over a bible.

Prayer for a Godly marriage

I try to say a prayer for my husband and marriage each day. At night, when we pray together, we always thank God for our marriage and ask Him to bless it. I hope this prayer for husband and wife can inspire your own words!

Dear Lord,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the blessing of marriage. I am so glad you gave me such a wonderful husband whom I treasure so deeply. Please help me to never take him for granted and continue to love him to the best of my abilities. Help me to love him as you love us. God, please bless our marriage in abundance. Help us to be a reflection of your love for us and help us always to seek you first in our marriage. Help us to grow stronger in love each and every day, and to always prioritize our marriage. Help us each to be selfless spouses who seek to bless and give to one another. And help us do all this to your glory Lord. Amen.

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Prayer for your family

This prayer can be adapted to fit the needs of your specific family. It’s a nice idea to pray for your possible future family, as well! My prayer below is for married couples who do not yet have children. 

Dear God, 

Thank you so much for the gift of family. We feel so blessed to have the incredible family that we do. We ask that you will bless us with the gift of children if it is in your plan for us. Allow us to become loving and godly parents. Please be with each of our extended families. Bless them with health, safety, and happiness, and please allow them to feel your love for them today and always. Amen.

A prayer for peace

Perhaps one of the most beneficial and powerful prayers for your husband is a prayer for peace. In these crazy times, we can all use a bit more peace! This is something I should probably pray daily for both my husband and for myself! 

Dear Lord,

I know that you are the provider of peace. Please help my husband and I to remember this in our lives and to seek your peace at every moment. Help us to hold fast to your promises when we are feeling stressed, agitated, or anxious. We know that you want to give us a spirit of joy and peace and not of fear and worry. Please give my husband your peace today. Remove worries and irritations from his mind and allow him to focus on the good things. Help me to create a peaceful environment for him as well, and do all I can to promote peace in our marriage and in our home. Amen. 

A woman is praying with her head leaned against her hands over the Bible.

Prayer for help through struggles

Sometimes I sneak in a short prayer for my husband when he is dealing with a challenge. We all face struggles on the daily, and every bit of grace and support I can offer him I know can be of help. 

Dear God, 

My husband is dealing with an issue right now. You know what it is because you know what we need before we even ask for it. I come to you in Faith now Lord to ask for your help with this struggle. Please give my husband your comfort and your peace as well as your wisdom and strength. He can only get through this struggle with your help and grace Lord, so please let him feel your presence and place his trust and dependence on you. Amen. 

A prayer for the day

Why not offer a simply daily prayer for your husband? This is a quick way to express your love for him and to ask God to take care of him.

Dear Lord,

Good morning, God. I’m offering you my daily prayer for my husband, that he feels your presence throughout his day. That he feels the love and support of his wife and his family. And that he seeks you in every decision. Lord bless him, keep him safe, and bring him home to me. Amen.

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Prayers for wisdom

Dear Lord, 

Help my husband as he makes decisions today. I especially ask him to help you with any specific or significant decisions he may be struggling with. Grant him the wisdom that only comes from you God, and help him to turn to you for help and guidance. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

A blessing over your marriage

It’s a beautiful idea to pray together with your spouse each day. Not only does it help encourage your spiritual life, but it undoubtedly strengthens your bond, too. Whether you’re praying with or without your partner, a marriage blessing is a lovely prayer you can recite daily or as often as you think to. 

Close up of people holding hands.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Our marriage is a gift from above, and we depend on you for its continuing success. Help us never to forget to put you first in our lives. We ask that you would bless our marriage richly. Allow us to have a marriage that is full of love and joy, but also one that is strong and deep and able to withstand sorrows and tragedies. Help us to always keep our marriage as one of the most important parts of our life. Bless and protect our marriage oh Lord, and grant us many years together. Amen. 

Prayer for fatherhood

If you have children, prayers for husband and father are both needed. You can also ask God to help your husband prepare for fatherhood, if you don’t yet have children.

Dear Lord, 

Thank you for being our father and being the ultimate example of fatherly love. Help my husband to feel that love and to emulate it as best he can. Help my husband to grow as a father, becoming more generous, patient, and encouraging, just as you are. Let my husband know that he is a beloved and trusted father to this family and that we adore and respect him. Help him to feel confident in his fatherhood and his abilities. Allow me to be the best partner for him to support him as a father. Help us raise our children in the way you want for them, and help us to be loving and caring parents to our blessed children. Amen. 

Prayer for his Faith

Praying for your husband is something that can help you build your own faith, but it can help encourage his own as well, particularly if you pray for that specifically. 

Dear Lord, 

I pray that my husband’s faith in you and your goodness continues to increase every day. If he has doubts, help dispel them and show him the truth of your promises and your love. Help my husband cling to the truth of your word and your presence in his life. And help our entire family to grow in Faith and love of you, Lord. Amen.

Prayer for provision in your husband’s life

We know that God provides, especially when we place our trust in Him to do so. I think it’s a great idea to pray for this for your self and for your husband. It’s the perfect way to put your trust in the hands of God. Let him be in charge.

Dear God, 

Your word says that you will provide for our every need. I believe in your promise. Please provide for all of my husband’s needs: physical, spiritual, financial, and emotional. Help him to feel your blessings in his life and help him to learn to depend on you for all things. Chase away his worries and teach him that you are faithful to take care of our needs. And please help me to do the same, trusting in you more and more. Amen. 

Support for his work

Your husband desires your support and respect perhaps more than anything else. For many men (and women) this is closely tied to their career or work. Showing him your gratitude and respect is essential, but by praying for your husband’s labors, you’re offering the greatest support you possibly can!

A young woman is praying.

Dear Lord Jesus, 

Give my husband all that he needs in his work today. Guide him in his decisions and surround him with wisdom and clarity. Help his actions at work to be imbued with integrity. Allow him to be an encouragement to those he works with and help them to see the light of Christ through his words and behavior. God, please help my husband to feel proud of the work he achieves. Help him to be confident in his strengths and abilities and help him to offer his work up as a sacrifice to you, knowing that all power and goodness comes from you, Lord. Amen.

Prayer of gratitude

Even when I am short on time, I do try to offer up a morning prayer for my husband. This is usually a short “coverall” prayer that simply expresses my own gratitude for the gift of my husband.

Dear God,

Thank you so much for my husband. I can’t imagine my life without him and he means the world to me. Help him to know what a blessing and a gift he is to me. Please help me to show my gratitude and adoration for him with my words and actions. Let me never take him for granted, Lord. Please bless him and keep him. Amen.

Prayer for the avoidance of temptation

Temptation is unfortunately all too real, and it can appear in many guises. Though we may think that temptation for our husbands is usually in the form of sexual temptation, there are really so many temptations out there (that affect both husbands and wives). In many situations, it can be easy to give in to our baser natures and lie, steal, and cheat; whether those are major instances of sin or what we might consider minor ones. For all types of temptation, let’s pray that our husbands are protected and guided.

Dear Lord, 

Temptation is everywhere. I ask that you help my husband to avoid situations where he may face temptation. Enable him to flee from evil and seek good in all things. When he does become faced with temptation, God, may he hold strong to you and to your word, and make the right choices. Fill him with your strength and fortitude for whatever challenges he faces. Surround him with your goodness and your holy grace. Amen. 

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To be the wife your husband needs

Dear God,

My husband deserves the best wife. Please help me to be that woman. As hard as it can be, help me to put him first and be selfless. Though I will never be perfect Lord, grant me the endurance to keep trying. Help to remember that by serving him, I am also serving you. By loving him, I am also loving you. Help me to be more like you so that I can love him with the love of Christ. Amen.

Prayer for your husband’s role in the family

In Christian households, men are seen as the spiritual head of the family. You can pray for your husband’s role as father and family leader. Even if you have differing opinions about this concept (it is the subject of debate) there’s no denying that your husband plays a massive role in the home. Pray for that.

Close up of a woman holding a rosary against cross and praying at a church.

Dear God,

My husband is essential to our family’s success, balance, and love. When guiding our family, may his decisions be rooted in you and your word. Help him to know how important he is to me (and to our kids). Please help him to lead our family in the way you would want him to lead, and help me to be the best co-captain and co-leader I can be. Help us to feel unity and equality in our marriage, offering the love and respect to one another that is right. Amen. 

For him to feel God’s love

Finally, don’t forget to pray that your husband experiences the overwhelming love of God in his life. It can be easy to pray for behaviors, decisions, and struggles, but don’t neglect where it all starts. We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19).

Dear God, 

You are love. You are everything. More than anything else, allow my husband to be filled with your love. Let him experience the beauty of your unending love and your goodness. Help this feeling of comfort and security continue throughout his day and everywhere he goes. In giving my husband your love, allow him to love others as you love him. Amen. 

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Amy Hartle is the author of Do You Love Me? How To Stop Seeking Reassurance in Relationships, a book on reassurance seeking and relationship anxiety. Both her book and this blog are born of personal experience; Amy shares expert relationship advice from the lessons learned during her own 10+ years with her husband, as well as couples travel tips and romantic getaway recommendations, all gleaned while traveling the world together.


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